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How to politely turn down a dance

How to politely turn down a dance

I was with my dancing friend one day in (surprisingly) sunny Seattle to see a buddy and we found ourselves with a night off. Naturally, we looked around and did our best to see where the hot Latin dance night was. After some ace investigative work, my friend found a...
How to hear Latin Music

How to hear Latin Music

For those of us who weren’t exposed to tropical Latin music from a very early age, how to hear the beat in salsa, or finding the beat, that illusive “1” beat can be something of a nightmare. Regardless of how well you have mastered your flashy dance...
Top 5 tips to get better at your dancing

Top 5 tips to get better at your dancing

Have you ever stopped to think what you would tell your younger self if you had the chance? Imagine for a moment that you embark on a new hobby and you get obsessed with it. You put in the time and before you know it, you’ve become quite good but surely...
Weight a minute…

Weight a minute…

Hello again! Let’s get right to some great information that can serve you well in your dancing, shall we? First off, I am so blessed to have my students, as every single day, they teach me and challenge me to figure out problems. Frequently, they will walk in...
The Question…

The Question…

“How long before I get good?” Boy oh boy! I’ve been asked this question so many times that I lost count eons ago. It usually starts when a random student walks into MMA and is very excited to start dancing. After the first or second class I love to...
Chicago Salsa Congress 2015 wrap up

Chicago Salsa Congress 2015 wrap up

Hi everyone! This past weekend was the 15th annual Chicago Salsa Congress and it was a blast! Particularly cool was the fact that for the first time since 2009, I was going to dance. I say going to because some things fell through at the last minute and prevented us...