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Hello again! It’s been a a minute, but a lot is going on! I’d like to add to my previous rambles by sharing some thoughts on a recent conversation I partook in recently. While some earlier posts on this blog have discussed the pros and cons on running and...
How to not freak out when you suddenly lose timing

How to not freak out when you suddenly lose timing

Hello, True Believers! Have you ever been dancing, and realized that out of nowhere you’ve suddenly fallen off time with the music? Losing the beat so suddenly is a strange phenomenon that happens to beginner and intermediate dancers and they never quite know...
How To Take a Private Lesson The Right Way

How To Take a Private Lesson The Right Way

Greetings once again True Believers. Today I’d like to discuss a personal observation I’ve seen come up enough times to become a pattern. Many times on this blog I’ll explain observations that other people have noted comma this was all coming from...
Good Enough

Good Enough

A few weekends ago, I had a very special experience. Mostly because I got a chance to hang out with my whole dance company as we attended the final social of a prominent dance group named Modern Clave. It also helped greatly that I got a chance to eat Sushi with the...
The case for Cross Training

The case for Cross Training

We had a great team rehearsal yesterday. I’m very grateful for the people I have in my company at this time. While looking around the room, IĀ realized that I’m surrounded by dancersĀ from all walks of life. On one hand I have a couple of people I personally...
Mens Salsa dance shoes

Mens Salsa dance shoes

Hello true believers! I hope everyone is having an awesome day. I’m sitting and wondering about my past week and realized I got asked the same dance question twice from two different people. Writing a blog, for me, is a lot about paying attention to what...