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Shining Star

Shining Star

More often than not, people that I run to in the community who know me, expressed to me that they enjoy my blog. You can imagine how that might surprise me because, up until now, it’s been a small challenge to get readers to comment on this blog despite my constant...
How to be a DB

How to be a DB

In the ongoing battle between the sexes and social dynamics that exist in our Latin dance community, I’ve noticed something that I’m 100% not cool with. Well, lot’s of things I’m not cool with that I’ve mused about in this very blog.  These days when I can...
Don’t be snooty…

Don’t be snooty…

I’ve run across a few people lately who have reminded of something that I find peculiar. I’m talking about people from other dance disciples who come into the Latin dance world and immediately think they know what’s going on as if there was nothing to learn....
Do you hover?

Do you hover?

How to connect better as a follow in partner dancing. It seems like not a day goes by in dance class where I’m presented with a new challenge to overcome. If it’s not the guys asking questions about how to execute a pattern its the ladies wondering how to...
Ribs Tips

Ribs Tips

A lot of times I’ll be in the lesson, and the first thing I notice is that people have a difficulty with their posture. Most times, when students come in for a dance class posture is one of the last things that they’re thinking about, especially in Latin...
Social Dynamics

Social Dynamics

It’s funny, I never really thought about chivalry until I started dancing. When I began dancing, I was very shy and incredibly intimidated by the thought of approaching women to dance. I’ve thankfully grown out of that phase, but even back then. I realized...
Bamboo Boogaloo

Bamboo Boogaloo

I had a private lesson last week, and I loved it. Nowadays, I spend way more time teaching than being taught so anytime I can work on me is a plus. After the lesson, Laura and I were leaving and buzzing about dance as we usually do. I realized that my spirit desired...
Animal House

Animal House

I was out at a slamming Salsa night, and things were wrapping up. I reached out and decided to meet up a non-dancing friend at a ‘non-dance’ club. While the Latin dance scene certainly has it’s pluses and minuses like any communal gathering,...
Failing forward

Failing forward

When I was growing up, I wanted to become a comic book artist. The Western way of drawing was my first major influence, and I was blown away when I discovered the Japanese style. It was electric. The way they laid out the figures and the detail in their sci-fi...
Support System

Support System

Hello true believers! I have to admit, I used to be a hot head. Sometimes things would get my riled up and I would ‘lose my shit.’ As I’ve matured, I learned to let things slide a lot more and have focused on responding instead of reacting. Simple?...